Command Line Interface: s3vaultcli

S3Vaultlib ships also a powerful command line interface to interact with several functionalities

General Help

To check the latest version of the features and command available the inline help is the main reference

s3vaultcli --help

for each subcommand you can get detailed help with:

s3vaultcli <command> --help

Vault Provisioning

Create S3Vault Configuration

This command creates an example of the YAML configuration that is the starting point to provision a Vault


s3vaultcli create_s3vault_config --output vault.yml

Create Cloudformation

This command generate the cloudformation based on the Vault YAML configuration.


s3vaultcli create_cloudformation --config vault.yml --output vault.template

Vault objects management


Upload a object in the Vault


s3vaultcli push -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -s mycert_key -d mycert_key

NOTE: please notice that S3Vaultlib does not support dots(.) in the objects to push to the vault


Retrieve a object from the Vault


s3vaultcli get -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -s mycert_key -d mycert_key

example: from an EC2 instance with the role role_webserver associated

s3vaultcli get -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -s mycert_key -d mycert_key

NOTE: if there is a role associated in the instance where the s3vaultcli perform a call, S3Vaultlib will try to detect the role name and then use the alias with the same name as the role

Configuration Set

Create or update a configuration object in the Vault


s3vaultcli configset -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -c conf_nginx -K server_name -V

S3Vaultcli can also create more complex objects and hierarchies. Like the following example:

example: create a list object with the key routed_network inside the configuration object conf_vpn

s3vaultcli configset -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -c conf_vpn -K routed_networks -V ',' -T list

S3Vaultcli can also attach a JSON or YAML object directly as subkey

example: create a sub object with the content of the YAML file data.yml inside the configuration object conf_vpn

s3vaultcli configset -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -c conf_vpn -K routed_networks -V data.yml -T yaml

Configuration Edit

This command will open a configuration editor inline (and in memory only) to dynamically view/change the content of a configuration object. The editor is quite powerful, supports realtime validation of the format (JSON/YAML) and syntax highlighting.

example: edit the configuration for the conf_vpn object as YAML file in memory

s3vaultcli configedit -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -c conf_vpn -t yaml

Template Expansion


This command parse a Jinja2 template file and expands the jinja2 variables by retriving the information from the Vault


s3vaultcli template -b my_bucket_example -p webserver -k role_webserver -t template.j2 -d output.txt

NOTE: for more example see the Configure NGINX with S3Vaultlib Ansible Plugin

Ansible support

In order to be able to use / load the plugin for ansible you should export the ansible role shipped with s3vaultlib in the role_path in ansible:


s3vaultcli ansible_path