Source code for s3vaultlib.metadata.ec2

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import logging

import requests

from s3vaultlib import __application__
from .base import MetadataBase

__author__ = "Giuseppe Chiesa"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017-2021, Giuseppe Chiesa"
__credits__ = ["Giuseppe Chiesa"]
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Giuseppe Chiesa"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "PerpetualBeta"

[docs]class EC2MetadataException(Exception): pass
[docs]class EC2Metadata(MetadataBase): """ Object that retrieve metadata from within an EC2 instance """ def __init__(self, endpoint='', version='latest', session_info=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger('{a}.{m}'.format(a=__application__, m=self.__class__.__name__)) self._endpoint = endpoint self._version = version self._instance_identity_document = None self._uri = 'http://{e}/{v}'.format(e=endpoint, v=version) def _get_data(self, url_path): """ Query the metadata """ url = '{b}/{p}'.format(b=self._uri, p=url_path) try: response = requests.get(url, timeout=5) except Exception: self.logger.error('Error while getting metadata. Perhaps you want to use --no-ec2 flag?') raise if not response.ok: raise EC2MetadataException('Error while reading metadata from path') return response.text.strip() @property def role(self): """ Return the role associated to the instance """ data = self._get_data('meta-data/iam/security-credentials/') if not data: raise EC2MetadataException('Role not associated') return data @property def account_id(self): """ Return the account_id associated to the instance :return: account_id :rtype: basestring """ return self._get_instance_identity_document()['accountId'] @property def region(self): """ Return the region associated to the instance :return: region :rtype: basestring """ return self._get_instance_identity_document()['availabilityZone'][:-1] @property def instance_id(self): """ Return the instance_id associated to the instance :return: instance_id :rtype: basestring """ return self._get_instance_identity_document()['instanceId'] def _get_instance_identity_document(self): if not self._instance_identity_document: data = self._get_data('dynamic/instance-identity/document') if not data: raise EC2MetadataException('Unable to retrieve instance identity document') self._instance_identity_document = json.loads(data) return self._instance_identity_document