Source code for s3vaultlib.s3vaultlib

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging

import six
from botocore.client import Config

from . import __application__
from .connection.connectionmanager import ConnectionManager
from .kms.kmsresolver import KMSResolver
from .s3.s3fs import S3Fs, S3FsObjectNotFoundException
from .template.templatefile import TemplateFile
from .template.templaterenderer import TemplateRenderer

__author__ = "Giuseppe Chiesa"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017-2021, Giuseppe Chiesa"
__credits__ = ["Giuseppe Chiesa"]
__license__ = "BSD"
__maintainer__ = "Giuseppe Chiesa"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "PerpetualBeta"

[docs]class S3VaultException(Exception): pass
[docs]class S3VaultObjectNotFoundException(Exception): pass
[docs]class S3Vault(object): """ Implements a Vault by using S3 as backend and KMS as way to protect the data """ def __init__(self, bucket, path, connection_factory=None, is_ec2=False): """ :param bucket: bucket :param path: path :param connection_factory: connection factory :type connection_factory: ConnectionManager """ self.logger = logging.getLogger('{a}.{m}'.format(a=__application__, m=self.__class__.__name__)) self._bucket = bucket self._path = path self._connection_manager = connection_factory if not self._connection_manager: self._connection_manager = ConnectionManager(config=Config(signature_version='s3v4'), is_ec2=is_ec2) self._s3fs = S3Fs(self._connection_manager, self._bucket, self._path)
[docs] def put_file(self, src, dest, encryption_key_arn='', key_alias='', role_name=''): """ Upload a file to the S3Vault :param src: source file name :param dest: destination file name :param encryption_key_arn: KMS Key arn to use :param key_alias: KMS Key alias to use :param role_name: Role from which resolve the key :return: metadata of the uploaded object :rtype: dict """ kms_resolver = KMSResolver(self._connection_manager, keyalias=key_alias, role_name=role_name) key_arn = encryption_key_arn if not encryption_key_arn: key_arn = kms_resolver.retrieve_key_arn() if isinstance(src, six.string_types): src_file = open(src, 'rb') else: src_file = src s3fsobj = self._s3fs.put_object(dest,, key_arn) # type: s3fsobject.S3FsObject src_file.close() return s3fsobj.metadata
[docs] def get_file(self, name): """ Get a file from S3Vault :param name: filename :return: file content :rtype: basestring """ s3fsobject = self._s3fs.get_object(name) # type: s3fsobject.S3FsObject return s3fsobject.raw()
[docs] def get_file_metadata(self, name): """ Get a file from S3Vault :param name: filename :return: file content :rtype: dict """ try: s3fsobject = self._s3fs.get_object(name) except S3FsObjectNotFoundException: raise S3VaultObjectNotFoundException return s3fsobject.metadata
[docs] def render_template(self, template_file, **kwargs): """ Renders a template file using the information available in the S3Vault :param template_file: file name to use as template :param kwargs: additional variables to use in the rendering :return: rendered content :rtype: basestring """ tpl = TemplateFile(template_file) if tpl.is_raw_copy(self._s3fs.objects): s3fsobject = self._s3fs.get_object(tpl.get_raw_copy_src()) data = s3fsobject.raw() else: template_renderer = TemplateRenderer(tpl.filename, self._s3fs) data = template_renderer.render(**kwargs) return data
[docs] def create_config_property(self, configfile, encryption_key_arn='', key_alias='', role_name=''): """ Create a configuration file in the S3Vault :param configfile: configuration file name :param encryption_key_arn: KMS Arn to use :param key_alias: KMS Alias to use :param role_name: Role to use to resolve the KMS Key :return: s3fsobject :rtype: S3FsObject """'Creating new config file: {c}'.format(c=configfile)) kms_resolver = KMSResolver(self._connection_manager, keyalias=key_alias, role_name=role_name) key_arn = encryption_key_arn if not encryption_key_arn: key_arn = kms_resolver.retrieve_key_arn() s3fsobject = self._s3fs.put_object(configfile, '{}'.encode(), key_arn) return s3fsobject
[docs] def set_property(self, configfile, key, value, encryption_key_arn='', key_alias='', role_name=''): """ Set a property in a configuration file in the S3Vault :param configfile: configfile name :param key: key :param value: value :param encryption_key_arn: KMS Key to use :param key_alias: KMS alias to use :param role_name: Role to use to resolve the KMS Key :return: metadata of the config file created/updated :rtype: basestring """ try: s3fsobject = self._s3fs.get_object(configfile) # type: s3fsobject.S3FsObject except S3FsObjectNotFoundException: s3fsobject = self.create_config_property(configfile, encryption_key_arn, key_alias, role_name) s3fsobject[key] = value s3fsobj = self._s3fs.update_s3fsobject(s3fsobject) return s3fsobj.metadata
[docs] def get_property(self, configfile, key): """ Get a configuration property from a config file from the S3Vault :param configfile: configuration file :param key: key to query :return: value of the key """ try: s3fsobject = self._s3fs.get_object(configfile) except Exception: self.logger.exception('No configuration with name: {c} found'.format(c=configfile)) raise return s3fsobject[key]